Since discovering new cultures and places is part of the Vega DNA, every month we will let a mama from somewhere in the world talk about what life in her hometown is like for her and her kids. We look forward to connecting people in our tribe! ♡
Pt. 1: America
Jacqueline (34)
United States of America
Mom of Emilia (5) and Ariella (18 months)

All three are wearing the crema cordero sweater
Can you tell us more about how you got to know us?
I discovered Vega Basics in a small store in Canada, called Ninth and Nord, which has unfortunately closed in the meantime.
Where do you live and what do you love about it?
We currently live in the Missoula, MT. It is a beautiful small (but not too small) town surrounded by glorious mountains. Though the winters can be a bit long, we do have the luxury of enjoying the true essence of each season. Unlike the always sunny Cali we had become accustomed to. The residents are true small town folks, friendly as can be. And the outdoor activities available are endless.
How does a typical day look for you?
Wake up. Morning routine. Tackle a house chore or two. Work for a few hours while Emillia does some solo homeschool work, crafts, or plays with Ariella. Get Ariella down for a nap. Do some focused homeschool time with Emillia. Prepare dinner. Eat. Clean. Dessert. Enjoy some family screen time. Get the girls to bed. Late night scroll. Sleep.
From what age do kids go to school in
your country?
In the U.S. preschool is generally from 3-4 years old and kindergarten from 5 years old. Ours have been homeschooling for preschool thus far. To my knowledge Kindergarten will be from 8:15 to 3:15, Monday to Friday.

What is pure relaxation for you and your family in the weekend?
Spending the day by a lake or beach. Soaking in the warm rays, swimming, splashing, digging, building, exploring, and snacking until the sun sets. Golden hour, always best by the waterfront. Grabbing a quick bite to eat on our way home, because, no dishes. Ending the night with a family movie before bedtime.
That sounds really amazing! What is your favorite place in the world?
I love spending time in nature, especially near water. Ocean, river, lake, pond, you name it. Nothing beats a day simply exploring this beautiful world we live in.
What do you do when you need some me-time?
I am currently working on getting better in this department. Eventually, I hope to get back into a physical activity such as martial arts or yoga. For now, after everyone else has gone to bed I read the Bible and edit photos.
Do you see yourself living in a different place? What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of living here?
We haven’t really put too much thought into this yet but definitely will when we are in a position to begin house hunting. There is so much to love about living here but it is definitely expensive relative to the income rates. Though I do desperately miss the ocean, sometimes daydream about the food, shopping, and entertainment variety, and of course miss friends and family from California, we have agreed that it is simply not the environment we would like to raise a family in. For now at least this is home for the foreseeable future.